Year 5
Welcome to Year 5!
Mr Platon is the teacher in 5A.
Mr Arnold is the teacher in 5J.
Mrs Ponevska and Mrs Frost (covering) are the Teaching Assistants who will be working within the year group.
In Maths, in the Autumn Term, we will be looking at place value, addition and subtraction and multiplication and division methods. Further on in the year, we will extend the children's learning in multiplication and division methods, fractions, decimals and percentages and statistics. We will continue with the Singapore Maths Method, using a Concrete-Pictorial- Abstract approach. The use of word problems will encourage your children to use high-order thinking techniques and applied skills in their work.
In English, as the class read texts, we will use the material to explore vocabulary, language, imagery and literary techniques. We look at the grammar used and they will use this as a prompt for their own creative writing later on. Some of the texts we will be looking at this term are ‘Diver’s Daughter’, The Tempest, ‘Holes’.In the remainder of the year, children will be using these texts as an impetus for their writing: the animation 'Spyfox', ‘A Galaxy of her own’, . ‘The Rain Player’, ‘No Ballet Shoes in Syria’ and ‘I hate Poetry’.
In RE, we will be covering a different topic each half term, covering ' Beginning with God’, ‘Advent to Christmas’, ‘Being a Sacremental People’, From Lent to Easter’, ‘Easter to Pentecost’ and ‘The Good Samaritan’.
In History, this term, we will be learning about the Tudors and later in the year the Aztecs and Mayans.
In Geography, we will be investigating volcanoes and earthquakes, the European region and mountains.
In Science, this term, we will be investigating 'Everyday Materials' and 'All Change Mixtures'. For the rest of the year we will be learning these following topics: ‘Earth and Beyond’, ‘Feel the Force’ then in the summer term ‘Animal life Cycles’ and ‘Reproduction in plants and animals’
PE will be taught on Wednesday and Thursdays. Children are to come to school on PE days in their PE kit with tracksuit bottoms.
We encourage the children to read daily and take some responsibility for commenting on what they have read in their reading records but do ask that you sign it every night. Please listen to your child read as well as reading to your child. It is important to discuss the books they are reading by asking relevant questions. The children will be expected to bring in their reading records once a week. The day your child brings in their reading record will be informed to them.
The children will have an opportunity to go to the school library. 5A will go to the library on Tuesday and 5J on Wednesday.
Each week, the children will receive either maths or English homework. Occasionally, the homework may relate to 'Topic' or R.E. work we are covering. Alongside this, times tables to learn using 'Times Tables Rockstars' so that the children can consolidate their times tables knowledge to support their mathematics. Your child has been given their login details.
Homework will be set on Friday. The homework will also be set on Microsoft Teams (in case of absence). The homework is expected to be handed in by Tuesday.
Please find below the presentation from the 'Meet the Teachers' information meeting and the year overview.
Kind regards
Mr Arnold and Mr Platon
A recommended Book list for year 5 can be found below in our year group documents.