Year 3
Hello and welcome to Year 3!
Mrs Franco is the class teacher in 3A and Miss Riordan is class teacher in 3J. Mrs Prior and Miss Bute also supports the children across the year group.
In year 3, the children will be covering some very exciting topics that will be carefully adapted to engage and progress the children in their learning this year! We have planned to go on some school trips and have many exciting experiences and visits in mind for the children! As this is the children’s first year in Key Stage 2, we will be setting high expectations of the children, which we know they will meet and will flourish.
Learning in Year 3
In Maths, in the Autumn term, we will be looking at place value, addition and subtraction and multiplication and division methods. Further in the year, we will be extending the children's knowledge of length and perimeter, fractions and mass and capacity. We will continue using a Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach. It is beneficial for your child’s learning if you use the same methods when working at home. We will also focus on problem solving throughout the year, the use of word problems will encourage your children to use high-order thinking techniques and applied skills in their work. We will continue to learn about the different types of problem solving skills, which give children tools for problem solving.
In English, we will be using a text-based approach to engage the children with reading and writing. As the class reads the text, we will explore vocabulary, language and literary techniques. We study the grammar used and the children apply this in their own wiring, including: narratives, non-fiction and poetry. Some of the texts we will be looking at this year include: 'Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx', 'The Twits', 'The Paperbag Prince', 'Planet Omar: Troubled Magnet'and 'The Firework Maker's Daughter'.
In RE, our Autumn topics are 'Beginning with God' and 'Being Sacramental People'. Our aims in RE is to strengthen our relationship with God through prayer, scripture and collective acts of worship.
In Science this year we will study: Plants, Our Amazing Bodies, Rocks and Solids, Forces and Light.
In History we will study Ancient Egypt, Prehistoric Britain (the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age) and the Shang Dynasty.
In Geography we will study climate zones, North America and Rio and South East Brazil.
Reading Records
We strongly encourage the children to read daily. The children in KS2 take responsibility for choosing their own books. They should do this first thing in the morning during morning challenge time and write this in their reading records. The children are expected to bring their reading records to school every day, so that they are able to read with adults at school throughout the week. We also ask that your child reads at home regularly. We would recommend hearing your child read at least three times a week, signing their reading record when you do. It is important to discuss the books they are reading by asking relevant questions, such as when or where the story is set, what has happened, how the characters have changed or interesting vocabulary.
Homework will be sent home on Thursday in your child's homework folder and is due in on the following Wednesday. On your homework, you will find a range of Maths and English activities. We ask that homework is completed in their homework books.
A typical day in Year 3
8:40 Drop off at the KS2 gates
9:00 Assembly
9.30-10.40 – Maths lessons
10.40-11.00 – Playtime (children can bring in a healthy snack)
11.00-12.00 – English lessons
12.00-12.30 – Guided Reading/Library
12.30-1.25 - Lunchtime
1.25- 3.20 – RE/History/Geography/Science lessons
3.20 - Home time
It is important that your child arrives to school on time as this is the time they will have the opportunity to organise themselves and prepare for the day ahead. Teachers will also use this time to read with the children. The earlier they arrive in the morning, the more time they will have for these important steps.
Key Days
Monday - Year 3 Library day - please return your books in order to take a new one. If your child has not finished reading their library book yet we still encourage them to bring it in on a Monday so that we can check in on their progress.
Tuesday - Indoor PE
Wednesday - Outdoor PE
Friday - French
Please find below the presentation from the 'Meet the Teacher' information meeting, the year overview and a recommended book list for Year 3. (These can all be found in our year groups documents and we will also be posting them on Teams)
If you have any questions, please reach out to your child's class teacher.
Kind regards,
Miss Riordan and Mrs Franco
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Year 3 Meet the teacher 2023 |
Year 3 Reading List |