
Year 4

Hello and welcome to Year 4!

In 4A Miss Friend is the class teacher. In 4J Ms Giannotto and Mrs Vyas are the class teachers. Mrs Murphy and Mr Tommasini are the teaching assistants and support children across the Year group.

Year 4 is an exciting year! We study interesting topics such as The Romans, The Anglo Saxons and Electricity. We will go on some great trips and have swimming and tennis lessons too! We have high expectations of the children in Year 4 and expect a positive attitude to learning at all times.  

Learning in Year 4 – Autumn Term

In Maths, we will start the term revising Place Value then move on to Addition & Subtraction of 4 digit numbers and Multiplication and Division.We will revise the skills that they covered in year 3 then build upon them by working on Addition & Subtraction of 4 digit numbers. We will then start work on looking at and understanding the different times tables in preparation for the test in the Summer term.

In English, we will be reading Escape to Pompeii which links in with our History topic. We will be using this brilliant book for inspiration when writing a setting description. We will also be celebrating National Poetry Day with a whole week focusing on poetry! For our non-fiction writing we will be using our trip to the Verulamium museum to give us inspiration for some leaflet writing.

In RE, we will be learning about the story of Moses and the Burning Bush, how to make links between Scripture and belief in the nature of God as Trinity, how to make links between scripture and the nature of God expressed in some Biblical metaphorsand how to make links between Scripture and belief in the Trinitarian nature of God.

In Science, we will be learning about States of Matter. We will look at the 3 different states and how materials may transition between these states. We will then move onto Electricity wher will will learn about circuits and sources of power.

In History, we will learn about the Romans. 

In Geography, we will be studying rivers. 


Reading Records

We encourage the children to read daily and take some responsibility for commenting on what they have read in their reading records but do ask that you sign it. Please listen to your child read as well as reading to your child. It is important to discuss the books they are reading by asking relevant questions. Each child will be given a reading day when their reading record should be brought to school to be checked by an adult. Each child will also have the opportunity to read in class on their reading record day.


Homework will be handed out on Thursday and is due in on Wednesdays.  On your homework you will find a range of maths, English and other activities. 

A typical day in Year 4

8:50 Drop off at the KS2 gates

9:00 Assembly

9.30-10.30 – Maths lessons

10.30 – 10.50 – Playtime- children can bring in a healthy snack.

10-50-11.30 – Handwriting/Spelling/Guided Reading

11.30-12.30 – English lessons

12.30 – 1.25 Lunchtime

1.25- 3.20 – RE/History/Geography/Computing/Art/DT/PSHE/PE/Science lessons

3.20 - Home time

Key Days

Wednesday – Art with Mrs Narduzzo

Tuesday - Tennis (children need to come in with their P.E. uniform on)

Wednesday -  PE with Non Stop Action and Music (children need to come in with their P.E. uniform on)

Friday - Library and French

If you have any questions about Year Four, please do get in touch with our Year Four team.

Miss Friend, Ms Giannotto and Mrs Vyas


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Meet the teacher 2024-25 17th Oct 2024 Download
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