
Year 2

Welcome to the Year 2 Page


Hello and welcome to Year 2!

In 2J Mrs Bishop is the class teacher and in 2A Miss Morris is the class teacher.  Mrs Pugliese is the class-teaching assistant and will support children across the Year group. Mr Wright supports the children on a Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs Lala supports children in 2A. Ms Wong supports children in 2J. 

Year 2 is an exciting and fun filled year! We study interesting topics such as The Great Fire of London, The History of Toys and significant figures such as Harry Beck. We will go on some great trips and will partake in the Christmas Play! We are really looking forward to the year ahead and creating wonderful memories together. 


Learning in Year 2 – Autumn Term

For Autumn Term, in English, our first book will be 'The Black Hat'. We will be doing many activities such as writing character descriptions, using inference and writing instructions. We will also be focusing on grammar and helping the children gain an understanding and apply this to their own creative writing.

In Maths, this term we will be looking at Place Value, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. We will continue using a Concrete-Pictorial- Abstract approach, meaning every lesson will involve using practical equipment (Numicon, Dienes, counters etc) and using pictures and drawings to aid learning. It is beneficial for your child if they are encouraged to use the same methods when working at home. We will also focus on problem solving throughout the year and looking at various ways to solve these.

In RE, we will be studying our first topic called ‘Beginning with the Church’. Our aims in RE are to strengthen our relationship with God through prayer, scripture and collective acts of worship.

In Science, we will be learning about lots of fun topics such as ‘How to look after ourselves’, ‘Animals and their habitats’ and ‘Apprentice Gardeners’.  We try to make our Science lessons as practical as possible in order to support new learning even more.

In Geography, we will learn about ‘The Continents and Oceans’. Following this our History topic will be the Great Fire of London. 

In Art, we will create self portraits of our inner and outer selves. Additionally, we will create Great Fire of London Collages. 

In Computing, we will learn about E-safety and practice our touch typing. 

During PSHE we will learn that we are created by God and that we are unique and special. 

In PE, we will start with dance indoors and outdoor PE will consist of movement skills and tag games. 

Reading Records

We encourage the children to read daily at home and ask if you could comment/sign their Reading Record when they have read to you, as this is very helpful for their class teacher. We also encourage the children to be read to at home as well. Your child has been given a Reading Day and a Book Changing Day, and only need to bring in their Book Bag two days a week. If they are unsure, their days are written on the front of their Reading Records.


Homework will be handed out on Fridays and is due in on the following Wednesday. The homework will consist of a range of different activities, but will mostly vary between English and Maths. 

A typical day in Year 2

8:40 Drop off at the KS1 gates

9:00-10:30  English session

10.30 – 10.50 – Playtime- children can bring in a healthy snack.

10-50-12:00– Maths lesson

12.00- 1:20– Lunchtime – Readers will be done between 12:00-12:30 daily.

1.20- 1:30 Story time

1:30-3:00 – Foundation subjects

3.15 - Home time


Key Days

Monday – Indoor PE day

Tuesday - 2A Library

Wednesday - Computing time

Thursday -  2J Library 

Thursday - Outdoor PE and music

Friday - French lessons

Thursday – Music with Mrs Debois. PE with Nonstop Action PE coaches

Friday – French and Computing lessons. 


Page Downloads Date  
Meet the Teacher slides 09th Sep 2024 Download
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