
Year 1

Dear Year 1 Parents,

Welcome to the Year 1 page.

This year we are covering many exciting topics in Year 1. We cannot wait to introduce your children to them.

A typical day in Year 1 consists of the following:

9:00 - Phonics

9:30 - Maths/English

10:30 - Break

10:50 - English/Maths

12:00 - Lunch/Readers

1:20-3:15 - Fine motor skills/ RE/ History/ Geography/ Science/ DT/ Music/ PE/ Art

3:15 - End of school day

Phonics and reading are a fundamental part of Year 1, therefore please read with your child on a daily basis. Little and often is always best. 

We have attached a useful document that is helpful. It will outline the importance of Reading, Writing and Maths and ways you can support your child at home. Additionally, it will give important information for the year.

Thank you for your continued support and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.


The Year 1 Team.

Miss Morris, Mrs Scuderi and Ms Lynch.



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